
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Social Media : Principles

I am so thankful that the first principle of social media is to listen. Easy, breezy, beautiful right ? Maybe.  Things are often easier said then done.
The second principle is to produce good stuff. Good is always open to interpretation unless you follow the first principle. Then you realize that for you and your business Good has rules and guidelines. 
The third principle is to send that good stuff out to your readers. This is pretty basic until you start to realize that there are a multitude of ways people can access the information you are ready to send. Content that people can't, don't or won't access is just the same as goods that won't sell. Those goods aren't any good to you.
To avoid being redundant we're going to skip over the next two text book principles:
4.Let readers decide which stuff is good.
5.Make the good stuff findable.
Principle number six comes straight from the bible. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Ok. No, It doesn't but you can apply that here if you forget the sixth principle. Share your spotlight ! Or in textbook terms, publish content from your followers and supporters.
The last principles is to foster community. Be kind, be supportive, engage your followers and ensure that everyone feels comfortable, invited and welcome. 
 If this doesn't work.. don't blame me ! I got this from a textbook. 

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Chicagoland Chamber of commerce : Corporate Golf Outing

If you need more information about this event Click Here. 

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chicago Film Screening : Half the sky

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Social Media: Timing Strategy

According to the textbook, sharing too much information or sharing too often can irritate your followers.  I had to chuckle as I read that because If you use social media everyday for personal use then this is bond to happen sooner or later especially when emotions are in motion. 
Timing strategies are tailored to fit your business and there isn't a one size fits all way to interact on your social media accounts. Some brands should and do interact more than others and their supporters are fine with that. Other brands may interact less and that also works for them.
The only way to determine what's best for your brand is by using the principles of social media and the first principle is to LISTEN ! Your supporters will tell you what they want. After all that goes right back to supplying the need that people demand. Give the people what they want.
According to the textbook your timing strategy your updates should be:
Facebook 1 per day or less
Twitter 3-15 post per day
Email 1 or two per week

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Apps: My other healthy obession

One look through the photos on my phone and it's pretty clear that I love apps. Yes, I have a little app obsession. Yes, and I'm not just interesting in using the apps for the apps purpose but also examining the apps and discovering it's *clears throat* flaws. It's something about an overly complicated or totally worthless app that just burns my britches. If the apps is uselss please don't tell me about because this is an abomination unto app lovers everywhere.

So, right now I have about four coupon/money saving apps that I'm all exited about and obsessing over. 
Yes.. Indeed. Saving is good.
Using coupons without actually clipping coupons is ever better. 


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UI/UX : Wire frames & Prototypes

The ice cream man is coming ! Mama, the ice cream man is coming. Do you remember how happy we were as kids when we heard the ice cream man five blocks away ? LOL 

I feel like that right now because I found something to make designing user interfaces sweeter.
Ladies and gentleman I present to you Graffle Topia. 

Sometimes when I'm overwhelmed I forget about the power of google. I had my green smoothie today so my brain is operating with full armor and ready for combat. When I first had to learn Omni Graffle I fussed, grunted and pouted all of which did little to help me learn any faster. It wasn't that I didn't want to learn it. Because, I love software. I just felt I didn't have the time to suck up all the information to my satisfaction. 
Not knowing how to do something or how to use something is on my list of top five most disappointing things. The only reason I ever learned how to break down a shake machine and put it back together was because I looked at it everyday and I couldn't stand not knowing how. 

Go figure. Who knew that obsessions can actually be good ? 

The Buddypress app I'm using could certainly use a facelift. I'll have to reach out a bit more because there are user interfaces that need me. I mean I'm not flawess, yet, but practice makes perfect.  So, in the coming weeks I'll begin to create some wireframes for various website types. I'll only post a few here so look forward to that. 

Exciting. Isn't it ? 
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Monday, July 22, 2013

Resource: Dress for Success

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

IOS: [LockerGnome] Easily Build iOS Games from Scratch

The LockerGnome Saturday Deal LockerGnome Logo


ave a great idea for an iPhone or iPad game, but don't have the time or technical experience to code it? Maybe you've considered outsourcing, but don't want to fork over thousands of dollars to a developer?

Easily Build iOS Games from Scratch

It must be your lucky day.

We're offering a complete e-learning course that'll show you how to create iOS games from the ground up with absolutely no programming required.

Instructor John Bura shows you how to make simple games using Stencyl (a free iOS game development platform), from which you can make money.

With over seven hours of material and more than 152 step-by-step video tutorials, you'll learn everything from how to prototype, design, and release apps into the App Store.

Get the Create iOS Games From Scratch course for only $79 -- that's 84% off its regular price!

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