
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Re-organizing Website

You know I don't really consider myself a techie but here I am in front of the computer once again and the only thing on my mind is getting these sites better. It's always a nagging thought to make the websites better. I decided before the release of wordpress 3.0 that I would re-organize the sites I manage that run on the wonderful wordpress platform and doing that has made things easier. 
I must admit though Chicago's hottest parties online has transformed into a more work for me then I anticipated. I never intended for this project to result in me doing so much. Several times I've thought about dropping it and never looking back. I think I'm still learning lesson on letting go of the vision.
If I were following my own advise I would have dropped Chicago's hottest parties online when I didn't see the fliers for them being circulated, and when I pressed play on video after video and didn't see patrons in the club rocking Chicago's hottest parties online T-shirts. Why am I blogging this..? I'm blogging this because it's time to tell it like it is.
I am responsible for website hosting, website design, website promotion, email marketing, video and photo editing. In a nutshell most of what you see and hear on the internet for Chicago's hottest parties online and with all things considered I've done more than enough, more than what was agreed upon and more than most were willing to do.
I absolutely draw the line at promoting people and companies for free. I did not take on this project to promote friends, venues and promoters that are too cheap to invest in themselves and their business and now it is written. Here it is feel free to read this as many times as you need to. 
Chicago's hottest parties online is still a work in progress and it is no where near what it needs to be or what it should be. This website is all about community and it is beneficial to the community of Chicago but most beneficial to the urban nightlife community. It's also supposed to be about networking and having fun !

There are no plans to turn it into an imitation facebook. There are plans to implement several ways for bloggers to make money from their blog post and plans to allow live streaming video on venue and entertainer pages. The idea of adding classifieds, games, and greeting cards, has been dismissed.
Chicago's hottest parties online is Chicago's #1 nightlife blogging community !!  Is there another nightlife blogging community..?  

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